Saturday, February 26, 2022



This week was focused on fine tuning my Google ad. Last week I was feeling very confused about the headlines, descriptions, and extensions. I am still not sure how to designate the headlines.

               I think some of my confusion and struggles came from a lack of focus. Building a website to gain awareness about my classes is super exciting, but I have some fears. I am worried about keeping up with the interest that it could present. I haven’t even run an ad and I don’t seem to have time to keep up with the interest. Don’t get me wrong, I am excited about building my business. But I still have four semesters of school left and a family to keep up with.

               I have settled a little bit and tried to focus my efforts, which results in focus toward my website and my ads. Ready or not, here we go! I ready for the adventure!

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Ad Campaigns

           This week’s topics were based around running an ad campaign through Google Ads. I began to develop my ad campaign and it was very daunting. I didn’t know what many of the things they wanted meant. I will just say, I am very grateful that we didn’t have to run the campaign yet. It will allow me to tweak a few things to make it more effective. As it stands, I look like I don’t know what I am doing (and I really don’t).

The discussion around key words was very interesting. It is important to get your keywords correct. They are what bring people to your site and bring awareness of your brand. As I build my business, I am seeing how these keywords are like word-of-mouth advertising. I have appreciated learning how to use Google’s Keyword planner. It comes up with things that I would never have thought to use as well as information regarding how often people search for specific keywords. This information is invaluable as I am fine tuning my Google Ads Campaign.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

And Back to Overwhelmed

    Legal structures, licenses, taxes and websites. It is all swirling in my head and I haven't had time to sort it all out. I do feel like I am a step ahead as I have already procured a business license for my local city. In my research, to establish credibility for banking purposes, I need to file for a "doing business as" name. I was unable to secure a "business" checking account because I don't have a DBA. So, my checking account for my business is a personal account and I must make sure that I keep my personal finances and my business finances separate. Filing for a DBA is now on the to-do list.

    Building my website has been fun and challenging. I have never done something like this before so when I come across something that I am unsure of I get stuck and frustrated. For instance, I was feeling good about how the site was coming together…then I tested the preview. When I book a class, I haven’t been able to figure out how to modify the page it takes you to. The colors are all wrong and you can’t read the text. I am sure I will figure it out, but in the meantime I need to do some more research.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Overwhelmed Turns to Excitement

     This week was very beneficial for me. I was able to visualize how to I am going to build a website for my teaching business. Seeing some examples of websites that meet the requirements for the class was the best help for me. Jumping in and exploring some of the templates that are available made it that much clearer. Where I was feeling so overwhelmed by the whole process (the hosting and site builder is still confusing to me), I am beginning to feel excitement.

    I started teaching a new set of beginning students this morning. It was so much fun! That, combined with the new confidence I am feeling, is a wonderful push for this website to be successful and provide communication to my students and their parents (most of my sewing students are kids).

    I still have a lot to learn and work on to make this a successful venture, but I am excited to see where this journey takes me.